Top Phoenix Criminal Defense Lawyers
Arizona State criminal charges can have long-lasting and drastic impacts on your future, surpassing the threat of jail time.
At certain phase of life, may be you have faced penalty, enter into a long trial period or imprisonment for violating any criminal law. Ignoring your situation and hoping it resolves itself may actually cause the outcome to be worse. Finding a criminal defense attorney in Arizona will help ensure the best possible outcome for your case.< ?p>
Here at CIMA Law, we specialize in being aggressive Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorneys. As a mid-size firm we have the time to treat each case with personal attention, and as Phoenix criminal defense lawyers we pride ourselves on giving clients individualized and effective counsel.
We are determined advocates on behalf of our clients and have a proven track record of success.
Legal proceedings often seem overwhelming to those involved. We understand the stress and difficulties your legal issues bring and our Phoenix criminal defense attorneys are committed to bringing the peace of mind you deserve. Our proactive, disciplined approach to resolving your legal issues will produce the best potential outcome while producing the least amount of stress (and legal fees).
Many of our staff and attorneys are bilingual allowing us to specialize in cases where translation is an issue. If you need assistance in a criminal case and English is not your first language CIMA Law group is one of the best options for you. Our experience with translations and court proceedings make us one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Phoenix. The consequences if the court didn’t found you guilty can be very painful for you to bear it for lifetime. So, if you don’t want to put your life at stake better to handover your case to best defense attorney in Phoenix.
You may have been represented by a public defender who was appointed to you at the time of your arrest or questioning. This is your Constitutional right, and it was a smart decision to take advantage of that right. Many people discover that these dedicated lawyers are handling a large number of cases and cannot provide the level of legal support they prefer. By going with a Phoenix based defense attorney you’ll have more peace of mind and all your legal questions will be answered.
CIMA Law Group is a Phoenix-based criminal defense firm that is skilled to handle all types of criminal charges and cases, in both state and federal courts. From drug arrests to DUI defense to forfeitures, our established criminal defense lawyers have you covered. We understand the stress and uncertainty that come with facing criminal charges, and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of representation and support. If you are in need of a criminal defense attorney in Phoenix, contact the best criminal law firms today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.
If you have been arrested, the criminal charges you face can be severe. Your best chance of a positive outcome is to hire a professional, experienced criminal defense attorney. CIMA Law Group is known as one of the best criminal law firms because of our attorneys. The criminal defense attorneys at CIMA Law Group are very well respected and accomplished. With our wide range of legal knowledge and experience, we will work tirelessly to you provide an aggressive and effective defense. We pride ourselves in our aggressiveness, honesty, integrity, and professionalism. If you face DUI, Identity Theft, Fraud, Drug Possession, Theft, Domestic Violence, Assault, or other Criminal charges, you need immediate expert representation. You need CIMA Law group – the best criminal law firm with a proven track record and years of experience in providing honest and aggressive legal representation
- The Arizona DUI laws are among the strictest in the country and can lead to harsh penalties. If you are charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you can face severe criminal penalties, driver’s license suspension, and long-term consequences. If you or someone you know has been arrested for DUI, you need immediate representation. If you are suspected of driving under the influence, police have the right to pull you over and test your BAC level. If your BAC is .08 or more, you will probably be arrested immediately. It is very important to know your rights if charged with a DUI. Moreover, you need an attorney that will aggressively fight your DUI charge. You need CIMA Law Group
- Law enforcement in Arizona has a history of vigorously going after people suspected of Identity Theft. Special task forces have even been created prosecute people suspected of identity theft. If you have been charged with or suspected of identity theft, you need an experienced attorney on your side immediately. A conviction for identity theft can result in a prison term from 1 to 3.75 years in prison, as well as community service, probation and expensive fines. However, it is possible that there are aspects of your case that can be challenged. Do not take chances. Protect yourself with an aggressive defense attorney that will tirelessly work toward a positive outcome. Protect yourself with CIMA Law Group.
- In Arizona, forgery is a class 4 felony which can be punished by up to 3.75 years in prison. Forgery charges come with harsh consequences. You need an aggressive defense Attorney on your side. Under Arizona law, forgery can also include creating false documents. Presenting or offering a document that has been forged or contains false information is a serious crime. A forgery conviction will have a lasting negative impact on your future. Besides facing time in prison and expensive fines, obtaining employment will be extremely difficult. While forgery typically involves a forged check to a bank, many forgery cases have nothing to do with checks or money. Forgery can also involve signing a false name or using an assumed identity in order to obtain employment. If you are facing forgery or falsification charges, you owe it to yourself to seek immediate legal advice from CIMA Law Group.
- If you are charged with a drug related crime in Arizona, you will face jail time and other severe consequences. You need to immediately seek legal advice. This is your only hope for avoiding jail time. Charges such as marijuana possession, possession with the intent to sell, cultivation of marijuana, possession or use of dangerous drugs, or manufacturing of dangerous drugs will come with harsh consequences in Arizona. Do not attempt to face the Judge on your own. You need an aggressive defense attorney on your side for your best chance at a complete acquittal, dismissal or reduction of charges.
- If you have been accused of or charged with a theft crime, it is important that you contact an aggressive criminal defense attorney lawyer as soon as possible. Penalties will be harsh if convicted and prior criminal convictions could result in even harsher penalties. A theft charge for anything over $1,000 is a felony charge and can mean up to 12.5 years in jail. With the proper defense, it is possible to reduce the charges to less serious ones. You need an aggressive defense to best minimize the charges against you. Since theft is considered a crime of dishonesty, it will affect your ability to pursue certain jobs, certain colleges or graduate school programs. If facing theft charges, It is important that you take them very seriously.
- If you are charged with, or are under investigation for, a domestic violence charge in Arizona, never try to resolve the problem on your own. Any contact with the victim could result in additional charges. You need to speak to an experienced attorney immediately to ensure your rights are protected and that you have an aggressive defense. In recent years, Arizona has strengthened domestic violence laws. As a result, Arizona law enforcement has developed harsh new policies to go after those accused of domestic violence. A conviction could result in limitations in child visitation rights, loss of gun privileges, jail or a prison sentence. Do not attempt to resolve the matter on your own.
- When a person is facing an assault charge, or attacking a member of their family, many different people can become involved in addition to law enforcement. If children are involved, Child Protective Services will most likely investigate the situation to see if they are in danger in the home. The key to an aggressive, effective defense to assault charge will depend on eye-witness testimony, physical evidence, finding and interviewing other witnesses not listed in the police report, etc. Police can be quick to arrest you if you are involved with assault. They often fail to properly investigate and evaluate the situation. The team at CIMA Law Group has a track record of success in defending these cases. If you are being investigated or charged with assault, contact us immediately.