Auto Accidents Attorneys Phoenix

Help! I’ve Been In A Auto/Car Accident; Do I Really Need To Contact An Arizona Accident Attorney?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nationally, there were 36,560 deaths as a result of Motor Crashes and around 1,894,000 crashes resulting in injury and over 6,734,000 crashes in total. According to the report released in 2018 by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Arizona alone had 127,056 reported crashes. These crashes resulted in 1,010 reported fatalities from crashes alone. This is a 1.2% increase from the previous year. With the rate of fatalities rising, and one of the higher numbers of accidents in the United States, it is imperative to be able to contact an Arizona Accidents Attorney if you were involved in an accident.

When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer Phoenix AZ?

Your first priority after a car accident is to ensure that you’re safe and seeking proper medical care. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you need to call an ambulance to take you to the hospital and call the cops also so a law enforcement officer can assess the case and file a report. If you’re involved in the collision and suffered a severe injury or car damage- or if someone died in the crash- you need to immediately hire a car accident lawyer Phoenix AZ as a top priority following such a collision. The sooner you bring the expertise of CIMA Law Group car accident law specialized lawyer, the more you will increase your chances of maximizing the compensation claim for the loss.

How Our Car Accident Attorney Phoenix Can Help You with Your Car Accident Claim?

An experienced car accident attorney can assist you in several ways after you suffered a serious car accident caused by another driver’s negligence. It is the years of expertise of our skilled car accident attorney Phoenix that enable you to maximize your claim and avoid being pressured into settling for less amount than you may deserve.

Our accident lawyers also specialize in dealing with insurance companies while allowing you to concentrate on your recovery. CIMA Law Group accident lawyers Phoenix AZ understands the law about car accident claims and how to negotiate with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement amount.

Phoenix Car Accident Attorney


Car accidents are one of the leading causes of severe injury and death in Phoenix. The aftereffects of auto accidents are terrifying, and the injuries caused are devastating, life-altering, and even fatal. At CIMA Law Group, we are completely aware of the pain and financial difficulties car accident victims face even in minor car accidents, and we want to help them in our best way possible to reduce their problems. Our skilled accident lawyers in Phoenix AZ work hard to ensure that car accident victim receive the best guidance and legal representation they require to pursue compensation claims.

If you or your near one has been severely harmed/injured in an accident and you have the question of what to do next, we request you to once set an appointment with our qualified car accident attorney for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’re here to help you explore your options for auto accident compensation and give you the required legal support during this time.


Car accidents can happen as a result of many unfortunate reasons. External conditions such as weather can create dangerous conditions for drivers to drive safely, and alcohol consumption, potentially causing the driver to lose control over their vehicle. But in many cases, car accidents in Phoenix are the results of negligent, reckless acts by careless drivers.

Moreover, cell phones and music speakers are major distractions for drivers. These distractions, combined with human mistakes and negligence, have increased auto accidents and injuries caused due to accidents.


The exact cost of hiring an auto accident attorney in Phoenix varies greatly based on the accident, circumstance of your case, and the auto accident law firm. At Cima Law Group, we understand the trouble you face and this is we provide our legal services on a contingent fee basis; so that you don’t have to think twice about hiring a car accident lawyer for your complicated case. Also, you can consider our fees as a payment that would come out of the settlement, not from your pocket.

Our main aim is not to earn money from you, but to smartly handle the complexity of your case so that you can focus on your recovery by seeking the right medical treatment and settlement that you deserve.


Car accident cases are not a business for us – they’re personal and we treat it in the same way. Our experienced accident lawyers Phoenix AZ is 100% dedicated to personal injury cases. Our lawyers relentlessly fight for car accident victims as well as the families of those who lost their lives in the accident.

Our main purpose is to build confidence among those who feel broken and helpless after the fatal accident and assured them legal justice they will need to restore their quality of life.

Benefits You Will Get From Our Experienced Car Accident Attorney For Your Case

After a severe car accident, time seems to stand against a victim. As a victim, you’re entitled to claim for your rights with the expertise of our skilled and competent car accident attorney, so you can get fair justice for your physical as well as financial sufferings.

Here’s why you should give a thought to hiring our car accident cases specialized attorney to help you with your case:

  • Helps you establish legal liability against the accused
  • Gathers valuable evidence and medical records to prove that the defendant is at fault
  • Make sure your claim must cover all potential damages
  • Helps you avoid mistakes and decisions that could turn against you and your claim
  • Legally represent your case in court and also negotiate with an insurance company

Backed by years of successful experience, our team of experienced car accident attorneys has the knowledge and resources to support you throughout your difficult time.


  1. Is it worth hiring a car accident attorney in Phoenix?

In most of the car accident cases and situations, yes, surely having a car accident lawyer in Phoenix is beneficial for you if your suffered injuries, expensive medical treatment, and financial losses due to the fatal collision. It’s always a wise decision to seek professional help for anything outside your genre of expertise.

  1. When you should hire an attorney after a car accident?

It is first recommended to consult a reputed Phoenix car accident attorney as soon as possible following the accident. Because any insurance providers involved in the claim process try to resolve the case early by giving you the offer for a quick settlement. Most of the time, these are low-ball offers- the settlement amount they provide is far lower than what you need to recover all your financial losses.

By seeking the legal help of an experienced car accident attorney, you can prevent these attempts to take advantage of your lack of awareness.

  1. What does a car accident attorney do?

An attorney will help you gather evidence, make your case stronger, and most importantly negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive the maximum compensation that you deserve.

  1. How Cima Law Group Auto Accidents Attorney Can Help?

We will do everything possible in the spectrum of law that is necessary to win the case. No matter who the opposing party is, one thing we can assure you that they can’t outwit or outspend Cima Law Group years of expertise in auto accident cases. We are here to help the victims fight back against those who injured them and make them feel helpless.

We would be happy to answer your questions about the types of compensation you’re eligible to pursue, how much your case is stronger, and who can be held liable for your accident, and a lot more.

If you have been injured in an auto accident in Arizona, it may be in your best interest to contact one of our Auto Accidents Attorney in Phoenix, with the CIMA Law Group. Their years of practice can give you a ray of hope to cover all the damages you have lost in that accident and provide you relevant compensation that you deserve in the eye of the law. Finding the right personal injury law firm is critical. Let CIMA Law Group do all of the work for you. Contact us today.

Here are some general guidelines of when you should get the right Phoenix Car Accident Attorney involved:

Contact an Arizona Accident Attorney if:

  • You (or others) have been seriously injured in the car accident and as a result now have extensive medical bills
  • Fault is clearly an issue
  • The collision occurred in a construction zone, school zone, or other protected areas
  • You have no insurance or are underinsured
  • Your insurer starts “acting strange”

Consider contacting a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney or General Arizona Accident Attorney If:

  • You need advice on the settlement value of a claim
  • If you are questioning if your insurer is looking out for your best interests
  • You are unsure of how to handle negotiations with the insurer
  • Need help with the paperwork (especially when dealing with language translations)

In case you have charged for any accident, there are certain precautionary steps you have to take immediately to protect yourself from instant arrest. For that, you need to search for the right Accident Lawyers in Phoenix AZ. Contacting an experienced personal injury law firm can save you time, money and the hassle of dealing with insurers. Following an accident, prioritize contacting an attorney first; because the longer you wait, the more issues you may run into and experience with your insurer. CIMA Law Group handles a broad variety of personal injury cases. These cases are most commonly associated with car accidents, truck accidents, dog bites and premise liability cases. We excel in finding and recovering insurance proceeds and serve personal injury clients in Phoenix and across the state of Arizona.

If you are unsure about any part of the insurance process after a car accident or are worried about wrongfully assigned fault, one of our experienced Car Accident Attorneys will be able to walk you through your unique situation and assist you in getting the damages you deserve. Contact the best Phoenix car accident attorneys at CIMA Law Group today.Our Accident Lawyers based in Phoenix AZ will help you claim the compensation you may be entitled to.

In most injury cases it is important to have a practiced and well-versed lawyer examine all of the potential insurance sources that may provide coverage to you as a result of your accident. Despite having the assistance of a phoenix car accident attorney, it is absolutely not justifiable to waste the time in thinking whether you should go for it or not. This is your life so if you value it then you have to fight for yourself by hiring a lawyer on your behalf. Given all the issues that may be involved in handling injury claims, it is very important to consider having any type of injury claim reviewed by an accident and personal injury attorney.

There are many goals when it comes to a personal injury claim or lawsuit, but arguably one of the most important, right after getting the medical assistance you need, is gaining maximum financial compensation. While some Phoenix injury accident law firms are content to settle quickly, our law firm and our Arizona Accident Attorneys are willing to do whatever it takes to pursue maximum financial compensation for your injuries.

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